To apply for a Medical Marijuana:
Use Registry Identification Card, patients must meet these requirements:
- Be a Florida resident.
- Have a diagnosed qualifying condition.
- Be added to the Medical Marijuana Use Registry by a qualified physician with a Medical Marijuana Use Registry Patient Identification Number.
Patients can then receive marijuana or a marijuana delivery device from an authorized Florida medical marijuana treatment center.
New Patient Application Requirements
All new patient applications must include the following:
- Completed Application: Providing your email allows the Department to send temporary verification.
- Proof of Residency: Submit your Florida driver license, Florida ID card, or other acceptable forms of proof.
- Application Fee: Submit a $75 check or money order payable to the Florida Department of Health.
- Recent Photo: Provide a full-face, passport-sized color photo (2×2 inches) taken within the last 90 days.
For Minor Patients, a caregiver application must also be included.

Proof of Residency
Patients must provide proof of residency according to the following guidelines:
- Adult Residents: Proof as specified in section 381.986(5)(b)1., Florida Statutes.
- Seasonal Residents: Proof of temporary residency as specified in section 381.986(5)(b)2.
- Minor Patients: Residency proof from their parent or legal guardian is required.
Seasonal residents are defined as individuals temporarily residing in Florida for at least 31 consecutive days each year. They must maintain a temporary residence, return home at least once a year, and either be registered to vote or pay taxes in another state.
Renewal Applications
Medical Marijuana Use Registry Identification Cards expire one year after a physician’s initial order. Submit your renewal application 45 days before the card expires to avoid a lapse in coverage. Please note that renewal applications cannot be used to purchase marijuana or delivery devices.
Legal Representation
If a legal representative signs on behalf of a qualified patient, they must provide proof of representation. This can include:
- A parent or legal guardian with court authorization.
- A healthcare surrogate with written consent or court authorization.
- A power of attorney holder for healthcare decisions.
Notice on Social Security Number Collection
Florida law requires the collection of social security numbers for identification purposes, ensuring the unique identification of qualified patients. The Florida Department of Health follows legal guidelines to keep this information confidential.
Expedite Your Application
Submit your application electronically to speed up the process at Medical Marijuana Use Registry.
Mail Your Application
Office of Medical Marijuana Use
PO Box 31313
Tampa, FL 33631-3313
Call 800-808-9580 for assistance.
Cape Coral


4202 Del Prado Blvd. S.
Cape Coral FL, 33904

Tuesday – Thursday: 9am – 7pm
Request an Appointment
To schedule a complimentary consultation or to learn more about your options, call Advanced Integrative Medicine at 239.540.9918 or send a message using the form below. Take your first step to becoming a happier, more youthful you!